Politically speaking: Wakefield MP Imran Ahmad-Khan on the government's response to coronavirus

Mr Ahmad-Khan wrote: "We are at war, battling against an invisible enemy, and we must take strength and encouragement, and be heartened by our nations volunteer army."Mr Ahmad-Khan wrote: "We are at war, battling against an invisible enemy, and we must take strength and encouragement, and be heartened by our nations volunteer army."
Mr Ahmad-Khan wrote: "We are at war, battling against an invisible enemy, and we must take strength and encouragement, and be heartened by our nations volunteer army."
The war we wage against Coronavirus has transformed our lives.

In these bleak times of shared adversity, I have been uplifted as tales of unity, compassion and hope have shone, piercing the gloom.

Three times the number of volunteers Her Majesty’s Government requested came to serve the NHS in her hour of need.

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We are at war, battling against an invisible enemy, and we must take strength and encouragement, and be heartened by our nation’s volunteer army.

The constancy and strength personified by Her Majesty the Queen, as demonstrated again in her gracious televised address to the nation last week, encouraged us all to unite with fortitude and care for one another.

I was also struck in the way the whole country, irrespective of political or religious affiliation, came together in prayer and the sending of good wishes to our Prime Minister. Supported by our NHS, he fought during the whole of Holy Week for his life.

I rejoice in the news that the PM continues to steadily recover.

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In the days ahead, we will, in Wakefield, reach the peak of this crisis. Beware, this is not an invitation to relax your adherence to the Government’s safeguarding rules, rather, I beseech you to be ever more vigilant, for these are truly dangerous days.

Do not worry, but be reassured that the advice of Her Majesty’s Government, if followed, will be the best way of safeguarding our NHS and the lives of those you love.

Modelling of the pandemic suggests it is unlikely there will be an immediate drop in cases once COVID-19 peaks, but more likely new cases will plateau at the peak rate.

To arrest further increase, it is vital we all adhere to the advice. If we don’t, this crisis will last longer, jeopardise the NHS, and be deadlier than needs be.

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I have been in almost constant communication with the chief executive of our NHS Trust, supporting them the best I can on a diverse range of issues.

I have assisted in the provision of vital Personal Protective Equipment for our heroic NHS staff.

I have secured, via my own network, 110,000 face masks donated to my Wakefield Together initiative. This PPE is due to arrive at Heathrow today.

I will give all 110,000 units to the Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust, of which I have asked them to distribute 10,000 to local domiciliary carers and nursing homes.

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I am grateful to my friends, Solidarités International, the Government of Vietnam and the British Embassy in Hanoi, for enabling this.

Over the coming days, my constituents will receive a Vital Coronavirus Communication from me. Please read it carefully, it contains important information to help you safeguard your families. Please keep it as a reference for the duration of the emergency.

If you wish to help Wakefield Together, or need help, please email me at [email protected] or call my new Coronavirus Emergency Helpline on 01924 97 99 00.

As Wakefield’s MP, at this time of national emergency I am honoured to serve you, whether you voted for me or not.

I may not get everything right, I will not please all of you all the time, but I promise you I will try my best.