What's the weather like in the Wakefield district? Find out with these traffic webcams

You can check if the roads are clear with local Highways England traffic camerasYou can check if the roads are clear with local Highways England traffic cameras
You can check if the roads are clear with local Highways England traffic cameras
If the nationwide TV weather forecast doesn't give you enough detail, a fast and reliable way to check the local conditions is to view live traffic webcams.

The so-called ‘Beast from the East’ is sweeping the UK, and has resulted in the Met Office issuing weather warnings across the nation.

Police across the country have advised motorists to avoid driving if possible owing to poor visibility and treacherous conditions.

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But if you need to see what driving conditions are like, these locally positioned traffic webcams will give you the latest picture of both traffic levels and weather on your route.

M1 Northbound

M1 Southbound

M62 Eastbound

M62 Westbound