The Yorkshire Post Climate Change Summit 2021 - early bird ticket discount

The Yorkshire Post Climate Change Summit 2021, Tuesday, November 9.The Yorkshire Post Climate Change Summit 2021, Tuesday, November 9.
The Yorkshire Post Climate Change Summit 2021, Tuesday, November 9.
BUILDING a greener, cleaner Yorkshire will be discussed by experts, academics, business leaders, politicians and media at The Yorkshire Post Climate Change Summit 2021.

The one day Yorkshire summit - on Tuesday, November 9 - to co-ordinate and tackle change, will coincide with world leaders and campaigners coming together for the 26th UN Climate

Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, October 31 to November 12.

EARLY BIRD TICKETS: Be part of the Yorkshire summit with early bird ticket discounts available until September 3, at £121.50 + VAT - visit

Yorkshire's own climate summit will see speakers and attendees, from a cross-section of sectors, debate the regional challenges and discuss the best way forward to achieve shared goals.

Making Yorkshire a more climate conscious county, the challenge of reducing carbon emissions and safeguarding our environment for future generations, will be fully explored.

The agenda includes talk about the economy, future, education and skills, energy, agriculture, transport and connectivity,

There will be breakout sessions with a focus on impacts and challenges for particular industries, looking at manufacturing, construction and SMEs.

It will also see the launch of a regional climate action plan for Yorkshire and the Humber, which is being produced by Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission. The plan will be put out to public consultation in September – details to be announced soon.

The Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission statement is: “Advancing the region’s climate leadership and accelerating climate resilient, net-zero development through an inclusive and just transition.”

Speakers include Chris Rea, founder of main sponsor Betterworld.Solutions, also founder and managing director of AESSEAL.

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Other speakers incude Andy Gouldson, Director of Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission, Professor Adam Beaumont, founder and chairman of aql - the summit will be held at aql's offices at 1-15 in Hunslet Rd, Leeds.


GET INVOLVED: For information about the event or ways to get involved contact and for event sponsorship email mark.harsley@jpimedia.