Dangerous and unprovoked attack at Westgate Railway Station

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A man was knocked unconcious during an unprovoked attack outside Westgate Railway Station.

The attack took place just after 8pm on Saturday, Augut 9.
And British Transport Police officers have today released CCTV images of a man they would like to speak to in connection with the incident.

PC Katalin Zelei, the investigating officer, said: “The victim, a local man, was leaving the station when two men walked past him. One of the men punched him in the face which caused him to fall backwards.

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“He hit his head on the pavement and lost consciousness for a short period of time.

“This was a dangerous and unprovoked assault. Luckily the victim doesn’t look like he has sustained any long term affects form the knock to his head.

“However he did suffer from grazes, reddening and pain to the back of his head and neck.

“I am appealing to anyone who may recognise the man in the CCTV image, or know his current whereabouts to please contact police, as I believe he will have information vital to this enquiry.”

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Anyone with any information should contact British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40, or text 61016, quoting incident reference PSUB/B7 of 12/08/14. Information can also be passed to the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.