Viral video shows Wakefield man planting beer in garden on coronavirus lockdown

Mark SchofieldMark Schofield
Mark Schofield
With the country on lockdown many of us have found more time to catch up on boxsets, finally get to the end of that novel, or potter about in the garden.

But one Wakefield man has taken it a step further.

A video of Mark Schofield, 51, planting Corona beer bottle tops, white and red wine bottles in his Middlestown garden has gone viral.

The retired Northern Power Grid cable jointer's booze patch even has a tree with Strongbow cider hanging from it.

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The video started off as a joke on a family WhatsApp group before it found its way out into the world.

Mark said: "I was digging my garden over and trying to get it ready. Then it got to Saturday afternoon and I thought there's a laugh here. I could pretend to plant some seeds that are bottle tops.

"I saw the plant pot and thought and thought I'll make a hat. I went in the house and my wife said 'What the hell are you doing?'. But I thought we'll just give the kids a laugh."

Within an hour Mark got a call from his daughter telling him the video had been viewed hundreds of times and the figure was around the 28,000 point by the end of the day.

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Mark Schofield and LucyMark Schofield and Lucy
Mark Schofield and Lucy

He said: "I love it, I absolutely love it. At first isolation seemed like a good thing but after a certain point I thought I wanted to cheer people up.

"We haven't seen our grandkids for nearly a month, but you've got to keep going.

"I genuinely think people need a laugh at times like this, my phone has been going constantly the video went up."

Mark said he may have some other video ideas in the pipeline but is keeping himself occupied walking cocker spaniel Lucy.

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He said he hoped everyone stays safe and obeys the lockdown rules until the crisis is over.

Are you doing something interesting with your time on lockdown? Email [email protected] and let us know.

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